
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Great Fifty Days of Easter

Preluded by a week so holy
The moon blushes, the sun hides,
And grace-changed sinners
Ponder anew the altar mystery with
Wide and tear-filled eyes.

Easter morning rises in silent strength
Gathering the dew and the dust of man
Into flowing rivers of rejoicing and
The dazzling dance of Light
Extravagant celebration pulsing,
Surging, shining, clarion bright
Like the sunshine ballet
At midday on radiant lakes and rivers.

Sanctuaried space bends under weight of
Brimming pews and shouting saints
And glorious praise that tells of
One Risen, glorious, faithful Savior
Majestic yet Shepherd-tender,
The ashes of hell shaken from
    his feet and ours,
Scar-like Real, and stone-rolled away Here
For us, with us, in us.

Hearts burn as Jesus opens eyes
And great “aha” moments
Dawn once again on those who
Walk close to him with
Question filled backpacks
And bread hungry lives.

For fifty days Eastertide
Surges with hope-filled prayer
And glorious praise
Culminating in a Festival of Multiplication
As Spirit fueled gifts
Enlarge and endow the baptized
Like choicest and juiciest fruit
In God’s vineyard of grace.

Where will we be in this parade of crescendoing joy?
Will we each find our voice and our hope
And our life-rhythm moving in step with
The Easter Lamb’s menu for our life’s
Purpose and joy and focus?
Kyrie eleison. Lord have mercy
Christe eleison, Christ have mercy.

Lord, in glowing vicinity of the
Greatest Story Ever Told,
Help us seek fervently,
Walk boldly in heaven’s direction,
Find ourselves by finding you,
And journey with songs of praise
Shared in Christ-deep love
   and Spirit-breathed faith.
Alleluia! He is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

© 2008, Nancy Gerst

The GREAT FIFTY DAYS OF EASTER mark the time from the Resurrection to the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. In many churches these fifty days are celebrated with recurring themes of the Resurrection in worship that is especially joyful and celebratory. The FESTIVAL of the ASCENSION has historically been remembered on the Thursday prior to Pentecost. Some congregations choose to remember the Ascension on the Sunday before Pentecost. 

I always feel like I miss out on a lovely occasion to remember some of the Christian faith's deepest joys when these festivals are skipped over or even not mentioned. When I've had the freedom in worship planning, these fifty days have been times for sustained, joyful, vibrant celebration in worship.